Monday, November 26, 2012

Shalom Zachar!

One of the nice things about having four little {boy} monkeys is that we are old pros at Shalom Zachars. A Shalom Zachar literally means "Welcome Male" but in truth its a lot of fun. Basically, the first Friday night after the baby is born, we have a small, or large get together to welcome the new baby and people send over lots of cakes and treats.  I loved seeing all the creative and delicious goodies everyone sent over*-it amazed me how nice everyone is to take time out of their busy day to send stuff over! My grandmother couldn't have put it any better:
"Wow, I didn't know you had friends there!"
Anywhoo, its basically a given that my sisters are awesome. Every single one of them. And one of my super awesome sisters made these adorable cookies for us to enjoy, even though she was not at the shalom zachar. I know, I told you she is awesome!
So here's to awesome sisters and friendly neighbors! Hope you guys have a great week! And I'll be back with a yummy recipe next week!

* Would the person who sent over those amazing smores bars please raise their hand? They were delicious, and I don't know who sent them over!!

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